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PowerPack Mini Cart

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Enable or Disble Cookies in your Browser

Installation of cookies, you can follow the below instructions : For Mozilla Firefox: Select the ‘Tools’ menu, then ‘Options’. Click the ‘Privacy’ icon, locate the ‘Cookies’ menu and select your preferred options. For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and later: Select the ‘Tools’ menu, then ‘Internet Options’. Click the ‘Confidentiality’ tab and use the cursor to select the level desired. For Safari: From the Safari menu, select ‘Preferences’, then click on ‘Security’ and select your preferred options. For Google Chrome: select the Chrome menu, then select ‘Settings’ and click on ‘show advanced settings’. In the Privacy section chose ‘Content settings’; then in the ‘Cookies’ section you can select your options.


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Enable or Disble Cookies in your Browser

Installation of cookies, you can follow the below instructions : For Mozilla Firefox: Select the ‘Tools’ menu, then ‘Options’. Click the ‘Privacy’ icon, locate the ‘Cookies’ menu and select your preferred options. For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and later: Select the ‘Tools’ menu, then ‘Internet Options’. Click the ‘Confidentiality’ tab and use the cursor to select the level desired. For Safari: From the Safari menu, select ‘Preferences’, then click on ‘Security’ and select your preferred options. For Google Chrome: select the Chrome menu, then select ‘Settings’ and click on ‘show advanced settings’. In the Privacy section chose ‘Content settings’; then in the ‘Cookies’ section you can select your options.


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